Did you know that more than 400,000 spinal cord injured persons are living in the United States at this time?Unfortunately, the number of spinal cord injured grows daily, raising the number of those affected by about 11,000 individuals each year. That's not to mention their affected family members, friends and communities. However, the mysteries of spinal cord injury are being unraveled right now as you read this. Full Circle Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) foundation working to contribute to the advancement of spinal cord injury research. Founded in 2002 by Don Flaner, Full Circle Foundation (FCF) aspires to raise accidental spinal cord injury awareness while raising funds for research leading to a cure. Though it may sound like science fiction, it is a fact: a cure is for spinal cord injury is on the horizon. This cure and the surrounding research will greatly elevate the quality of life for those currently injured, and a provide a potential insurance policy for all of us. Take a tour through our site to learn more about Full Circle Foundation and find out how you can contribute to finding a cure for spinal cord injures.
February 9 , 2007:
Most of you know David's history and dedication to the sport of motocross. You know of his great successes, and also of the great sacrifice that David paid, ultimately ending his career and confining him to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
January 25, 2007:
In recent motocross history, neck injury occurrences have been increasing at an exponential rate. If spinal injuries like those suffered by James Marshall and Ernesto Fonseca in 2006 haven't motivated you to rethink your safety and your safety gear, what will? Maybe seeing semi-gods Ricky Carmichael and Jeremy McGrath also dodge a disaster and having close calls this past year did? Or to really convince you, do we need to display the fate of the dozens of other less-known fallen riders? David Bailey's Full Circle Foundation and ONE Industries have teamed up to start a pro-active program which will help increase awareness in cervical protection. They have decided together to use proceeds from its "Dream Team - David Bailey Maggiora 1986 MXDN DVD" sales, and purchase 100 sets of Leatt-brace™ and distribute those free of charge to 100 lucky winners of a contest. "The concept is simple!" said Ludo Boinnard of ONE Industries. "We can keep doing fundraisers over and over or we can start getting people to use this revolutionary device right now. If you break your back, and lose usage of your legs, you can still have a pretty active life. Look at successful people like PRO-CIRCUIT boss Mitch Payton, Formula ONE team owner Frank Williams just to name a few.... On the other hand if you break your neck and also lose usage of your arms, not only does your life come to a screeching standby, but everybody's lives around you are changed forever as they have to care for you for the rest of your life. Using this brace greatly reduces such risk. We just hope those first 100 braces will have saved riders and their families from such horrible fate. Unfortunately, in our sport, it's not IF YOU WILL CRASH but WHEN YOU WILL CRASH!. Believe me, I've had my share of those!" added Ludo. To enter the contest and win your own LEATT-BRACE™, log on to www.oneindustries.com/win_a_leattbrace (no purchase necessary/ winners chosen at ONE Industries' discretion) fill the questionnaire and see the drawing results march 1st 2007. If any questions or comments, you may email to David Bailey. To find out more on the revolutionary Leatt-brace™, David Bailey's Fullcircle foundation or ONE Industries, please visit :
September 11, 2006:
Bailey's All Star Extravaganza live and silent auction tok place on September 11, 2006 at Pole Position Indoor Karting Track in Corona Ca. This star studded event included a benefit auction to help one of the all time motocross greats, followed by Indoor Karting.
Gary Bailey writes: I would like to thank everyone for coming out and supporting the "David Bailey's All-star Extravaganza" held at Cahuilla Creek (ride day) and Pole Position (auction). Since David's accident years ago he has worked tirelessly to help other injured riders. David is going through some really tough time's right now and it means so much to me and my entire family that so many of you are so eager to help out in his time of need. Your response has been overwhelming and is very much appreciated, I cannot thank everyone enough. David's progress is going slowly after being turned down by the hospital in Atlanta. We now have to make a new plan. Hopefully the doctors and insurance will get things going quickly so David can get the treatment he needs to expedite his rode to recovery. I would like to thank Cahuilla Creek and Pole Position for allowing us the use of your facilities. Also, I would like to thank everyone by name that donated their time and worked so hard on this event but unfortunately I do not have enough time or space. Please keep David in your prayers. Gary Bailey
A 'Thank You' from David Bailey: Your donation is already helping me make it to the proper surgeries and through them without the added stress of being ruined financially. My goal is to get healthy and keep thinking of ways to raise money for others in need as well as helping as best I can with their physical hardships. Thank you for your support and for giving Full Circle the momentum to make a difference! Kind Regards David Bailey
July 14, 2006:
David needs our help but also so does Chase Borders. He is an Alabama racer who crashed do to a mechanical malfunction in his motor and broke 3 vertebrae in his neck, both collar bones and his femur, but that isnt the main problem. His lungs are shutting down and he has been on a respirator breathing for him. Chase is 18 and graduated high school the day before this accident. Chase,s life needs for everyone to help donate and most importantly...PRAY!!! For information about chase and ways to help here is a link: http://www.jmrpowersports.com/forum/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=73 Please foward this to all on your Emailing list!
July 13, 2006:
Former Motocross Champion and Full Circle Foundation Spokesperson David Bailey has fallen gravely ill and urgently needs your help. Please read the letter from his friends, and make a donation to help offset the tremendous cost of his much needed surgery. |
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